Joey Tribiani from the television show "Friends"
- TV Drama: Friends, Joey.
- Genre of TV Drama: Sitcom
- Actor: Matt Le Blanc.
- Name: Joey Tribiani
- Agte: 30
- Ethnicy: White
- Regional: American
- Costume usually includes: Jumper and Jeans, everyday wear, depending on what he is doing.
- Friends include: Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Ross, Chandler
- Interests: Playing Foosball, Acting, Playing Video Games, Watching TV.
- Motivation in most Situations: Food, or Women
- Love Life: Joey is a player however he did have a relatioship with Rachel for a short time.
- Problems in Life: He never seems to be able to break his way into showbusiness.
- Key moment in drama series: Joey falls in love with Rachel, he officiates Monica and Chandlers wedding. Joey gets killed off the show "Days of our Lives" then gets brought back with Jessica Lockhart's brain.
- Prediction for future narratives: I think that Joey would have moved to the Suburbs with Monica and Chandler.
- How is the audience supposed to react to them? Explain view: I think that the audience is supposed to like Joey, he is a very lovable charatcer. He has been created to be very funny and relatable. The audience feels for Joey and want him to be happy.
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