Thursday 22 November 2012


Straight Cut
This is when there is a sudden change of shot from one view point to another

Match Cut
This is when a familiar relationship between the shots makes the change seem smooth

Motivated Cut
This is a cut used to show the viewer something not immediately visible.

The Jump Cut
This is an abrupt switch from one scene to another.

Reaction Shot
This is a shot in which a participant reacts to events that has just been shown on the screen.

The Wipe
This is where one shot wipes to the next, for instance to show the passing of time.

The Fade
The impact of a fade show the passing of time because there is a use of a black screen, it's a way of moving from one scene to another.

The Dissolve
This is used to show the link between the two scenes.

Screen Time
Whenever a clip is put together the director decides how much someone appears on screen. This can suggest how important or unimportant a character is. An example of this could be that if a character with disability has less screen time this would reinforce the stereotype that disabled people are a minority group.

Slow Motion and Fast Play
This is editing technique, and the impact could suggest that it is a comedy moment or it creates emphasis.

Parallel Cut
Editing that alternates shots of two or more areas of action occurring in two different places. Creates a link between the two different scenes.

Graphic Match
Any juxtaposition of graphically similar images

This create the effect of brokenness or craziness. It makes the viewer feel the same as the character.

Flash Back
It creates a connection with the character and their past.

Thursday 18 October 2012

My Definition of TV Drama

I think that TV drama is represented in the Media in a way that highlights and emphasises real life. TV Dramas try to create verisimilitude in their TV dramas through the use of set and costume. By making the TV Drama reflects real life it gives the audience the opportunity to relate to the characters on an emotioinaly level.  Through the use of verisimilitude they can create realistic elements to the TV Drama.  By over emphasising elements of real life in TV Drama it makes the television show more entertaining for the viewer.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Areas of Representation Exam


Different programs appeal to different age groups partially because of the narrative. Different age groups present different things, and can enabled large age groups to relate to them. Young people are represented in way such as partying, going to college, having arguments with friends etc. Their personality traits can be such as mean, over confident, shy, and geeky. Programs that represent young people are misfits, hollyoaks, skins. Programs that represent old people are downton abbey. An example of a countertype is the adults of skins, the adults are represented as messed up and confused like the young people.


This is where people are represented from different cultures such as homeland; this is an example of a countertype. These shows are very multicultural; the stereotype for this is citizen khan as it is a enhanced reversion of this stereotype for comedic value.
In glee a stereotypical gay character is represented in Kurt Hummel. This is shown in his camp, high pitched voice, a sense of fashion. Countertypes to lesbian expectation are two characters from Coronation Street, because they are both feminine and Christian.


Disability is represented in many different ways in the media; it can be represented negatively and positively. Some examples of disability in television shows are Artie in Glee, and in shows such as Coronation Street, Eastenders etc.


In most TV dramas such as eastenders women are represented as classy, snobby, whereas the men are represented as tough business men who aren't very friendly and get into many fights.  Genders are challenged in the Media.

Social Class

The stereotype of social types are for upper class posh accents, rich, snobby whereas poor people are chavy, dirty. For example in Downton abbey the rich are show in nice clothes with posh accents and the poor are servants without the posh accent, The media shows different sides to these characters for example in skins they show the poor people in a way that helps the audience to relate to them and empathies with them.

Thursday 4 October 2012


The similarities between the pictures are the overall representation of media; most of the pictures have chosen something directly related to media to show representation, for example a camera or 3D glasses. Many people have used the word representation in their picture to emphasise their point.
The differences between the pictures are the type of media that has been used to represent representation.  In one of the pictures someone has drawn an old fashioned camera whereas in another someone has drawn a television. These are different representation in themselves.
The blank piece of paper caught my eye because it shows that anything can be representation.
What inspired them to leave the piece of paper blank?  What do they think that says about representation?
The blank paper piece shows that representation can be anything, as in nothing can represent something. Just like something can represent nothing. I think that the blank paper shows that everybody see representation in a different way.
I like your idea of the blank paper representing everything as opposed to nothing.

How people are represented in the media.

Nelson Mandela- I think that Nelson Mandela represents freedom and peace; this is because he fought for his rights and his country. Nelson Mandela symbolises equality.

Britney Spears-I think Britney Spears represents the music industry, and "celebrity" of this generation. She creates the symbol of pop culture. However her irresponsible ans reckless

Madonna- I think represents the 80s pop cultural. She is the "queen of pop" and this reflects in the media.

David Beckham_ I think he represents sport and the classic celebrity. David Beckham is presented positivly in ther media.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Representation in TV Drama

Joey Tribiani from the television show "Friends"
  • TV Drama: Friends, Joey.
  • Genre of TV Drama: Sitcom
  • Actor: Matt Le Blanc.
  • Name: Joey Tribiani
  • Agte: 30
  • Ethnicy: White
  • Regional: American
  • Costume usually includes: Jumper and Jeans, everyday wear, depending on what he is doing.
  • Friends include: Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Ross, Chandler
  • Interests: Playing Foosball, Acting, Playing Video Games, Watching TV.
  • Motivation in most Situations: Food, or Women
  • Love Life: Joey is a player however he did have a relatioship with Rachel for a short time.
  • Problems in Life: He never seems to be able to break his way into showbusiness.

  • Key moment in drama series: Joey falls in love with Rachel, he officiates Monica and Chandlers wedding. Joey gets killed off the show "Days of our Lives" then gets brought back with Jessica Lockhart's brain. 

  • Prediction for future narratives: I think that Joey would have moved to the Suburbs with Monica and Chandler.

  • How is the audience supposed to react to them? Explain view: I think that the audience is supposed to like Joey, he is a very lovable charatcer. He has been created to be very funny and relatable. The audience feels for Joey and want him to be happy.